QP Group

Human resources

Valuable assets for long-term and sustainable development

Human resources play a decisive role, a core factor and a valuable asset in the long-term and sustainable development of QP Group. Therefore, the corporation determines the strategic task is to develop human resources to meet the requirements in the new situation.

QP Group has proactively completed policies to attract talents, comprehensive benefits and benefits, training and development to jointly create long-term careers. We welcome the right people who share the same core values, full of enthusiasm and desire to make a difference. The structure of income and benefits is built on the basis of capacity and work performance, in order to encourage employees to reach their full potential.

It is expected that by 2025, the number of employees in the ecosystem of QP Group – QP Land, QP Cons, QP IDC, QP Service is estimated to be up to 1,000 people to be able to serve long-term development plans.


Continuously having training programs for employees towards comprehensive development


A comprehensive welfare system
and treatment attract talents


Fair policies to provide all staff
with opportunities for promotion

QP Group 2025 – All rights reserved